Wednesday, 19 September 2007


- Boxes as a way of rooming personal/sentimental / found artefacts and objects
- Collectting objects that can be easily disregarded as unimportant or disposable but can still have importance about the to; transforming objects resulting in giving them status.

i.e Shopping lists; Reciepts; notes; train tickets; letters; birthday cards...

- Deciding whether the boxes are open or closed

a. Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed.
b. Affording unobstructed passage or view: open waters; the open countryside.
a. Having no protecting or concealing cover: an open wound; an open sports car.
b. Completely obvious; blatant: open disregard of the law.
c. Carried on in full view: open warfare; open family strife.
d. Sports Not closely defended by an opponent: an open receiver.
a. Not sealed or tied: an open package.
b. Spread out; unfolded: an open book.
4. Having interspersed gaps, spaces, or intervals: open ranks; an open weave.
a. Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants: an open competition.
b. Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions: open registration.

1. Having boundaries; enclosed: a closed corridor between the two buildings.
2. Blocked or barred to passage or entry: a closed port.
3. Explicitly limited; restricted: closed membership.
4. Self-contained or self-sufficient: a closed relationship.
5. Barred to the public; conducted in secrecy: a closed session of the judiciary committee.

- Different meanings have different effects on viewer

- Looking back at boxes from level one as well as the lettering on canvas; think about incorporating this method into the boxes; pins etc time consuming high level of importance is reflected yet content throws viewer.

- Possible materials for boxes; wood; metal; cardboard; fabric - combinations

- Like the way how boxes have many sides like diverse traits in personality
- Looking at different sorts of boxes; shoe boxes; old tins and snuff boxes (Male luxuries; going back to War; history) Sewing boxes (typically feminine) Jewellry boxes (precious) Treasure chests; trinket boxes; Boxing things up to move house (another year at uni) Boxing up (emotions)...


Joseph Cornell; Lucas Samaras..

Monday, 17 September 2007

A Box..

box 1
a. A container typically constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base and often having a lid or cover.
b. The amount or quantity that such a container can hold.
2. A square or rectangle: Draw a box around your answer.
a. A separated compartment in a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium, for the accommodation of a small group.
b. An area of a public place, such as a courtroom or stadium, marked off and restricted for use by persons performing a specific function: a jury box.
4. A small structure serving as a shelter: a sentry box.
5. Chiefly British A small country house used as a sporting lodge: a shooting box.
6. A box stall.
7. The raised seat for the driver of a coach or carriage.
8. Baseball
a. An area on a diamond marked by lines designating where the batter may stand.
b. Any of various designated areas for other team members, such as the pitcher, catcher, and coaches.
9. Sports A penalty box.
10. Printing Featured printed matter enclosed by hairlines, a border, or white space and placed within or between text columns.
11. A hollow made in the side of a tree for the collection of sap.
12. A post office box.
a. An in box.
b. An out box.
a. An insulating, enclosing, or protective casing or part in a machine.
b. A signaling device enclosed in a casing: an alarm box.
15. A cable box.
a. Informal A television.
b. A very large portable radio.
17. Chiefly British A gift or gratuity, especially one given at Christmas.
18. An awkward or perplexing situation; a predicament.
19. Vulgar Slang The vulva and the vagina.
tr.v. boxed, box·ing, box·es
1. To pack in a box.
2. To confine in or as if in a box.
3. To border or enclose with or as if with a box: Key sections of the report are boxed off.
4. To provide a housing or case for (a machine part, for example).
a. To limit the activity or influence of by or as if by creating a restrictive structure or outlining a territory: The legislature was boxed in by its earlier decisions.
b. Sports To block (a competitor or opponent) from advancing, especially to hinder an opponent from getting a rebound in basketball by placing oneself between the opponent and the basket: was boxed out by the tallest player on the team; was boxed in on the homestretch.
6. Nautical To boxhaul.
7. To cut a hole in (a tree) for the collection of sap.
8. To blend (paint) by pouring alternately between two containers.
9. To change the shape of (a structure, such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding.Idioms:
box the compass
1. To name the 32 points of the compass in proper order.
2. To make a complete revolution or reversal.
in a box Informal
In a very difficult or restrictive situation.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Level Two

Reflecting back on Level One's work I really enjoyed studying the theme of personal identity and I wanted to continue this throughout Level Two. Although identity is such a broad theme I felt i can use devices to engage the viewers and throw them like i started to touch on using my canvas.

I like the idea that the viewer expects something from the artwork but then that idea is totally deconstucted when up close.

I only managed to touch on painting methods in level one and i really have the urge to express myself alot more through this medium.

Throughout the summer I have been looking through family photo albums and thought this would be an interesting start for my work.

I have been looking at memories and emotions and the photographs that trigger these.

The artists I have looked are .....................................................................................


Thought about presenting these in typical gold frames or a modern twist reflecting my life and views today.